I regularly engage with crafting and making experiments in order to develop skills in materials and fabrication. These experiments are not intended to produce “Art,” but rather facilitate tacit knowledge. I focus on understanding the process of taking raw materials and purposefully refining them toward an aesthetic or utilitarian goal. I value the flaws and imperfections that emerge in the final forms, as they reflect the reflexive relationship between me and what I make with my hands. Here you will find some of my explorations in making and crafting, most of which eventually made their ways to friends and family in lieu of Etsy purchases.

Work with metal / plastic / wood

Work from Georgia Tech’s Materials & Fabrication course: Design and fabrication of wooden posts; metal brackets, foam form, MDF form, and plastic, wood, and cement panels. Involved: CAD design, metal cutting, CNC, welding, water jet cutter, woodworking, plastic thermoforming.